
refining life

Interview: Danish firm to sustainably refine feed wheat into protein feed

The construction of a biorefinery in the Danish harbor of Grenaa is expected to start in the latter half of the year. Once up and running in early-2016, the biorefinery will also produce 147,000 tons of feed protein, writes Feedinfo News Service, 12/8.

The company behind this project, Hveiti, claims that the amount of PDGS produced will help phase out 8-10% of Denmark’s yearly soybean import, and thereby help ease the pressure on the South American rainforests. 

Feedinfo News Service spoke to Hveiti’s Managing Director, Svend Brandstrup Hansen (also CEO of DBH Technology, the development company behind Hveiti), to find out more about the project and the company’s ambitions.

Brandstrup Hansen said that the history surrounding Hveiti is built on a proud Danish agricultural tradition. With an objective to better use existing resources, he decided to start a biorefinery that would make use of Denmark's surplus of feed wheat, and use it, not just for the production of bioethanol, but also to produce food and feed.

Read the entire interview at feedinfo.com.

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