
refining life

Christmas greeting from Hveiti

The commencement of a new year is always exiting. With the forecasts for investments and growth in Europe, put forward by the different financial institutions, we can only recommend that we concentrate our attention on sustainable energy solutions. We are witnessing an escalation of the consequences of climate change, which means that more than ever we need sustainable solutions. 

In the period from harvest to December, more feed wheat has been exported out of Denmark than Hveiti would have used yearly in its biorefining process. Because the global demand is rising and the world stocks are smaller than normal, the price has been the highest so far for farmers and exporters. This is good for the national export data and the trade balance, but it could have been even better, had the feed wheat passed through Hveiti’s production machinery, and thereby created production and growth in Denmark. 

We have chosen to operate in a minefield for project development. This is characterized by two things: first of all, the project is influenced by global tendencies on the commodity market, and second of all, the project is placed in a political minefield where more or less thought-through proposals and announcements can influence investment decisions. However, the most pronounced change from when we started the project development is that the political focus has been reduced in regards to creating lasting solutions for a more resource and climate friendly production. A production to which Hveiti is the Danish answer that will create competitive advantages for both Danish agriculture and the Danish transport sector.

In Europe, companies are looking towards the production concept developed by DBH Technology. Several of the existing production facilities are now facing the challenges that Hveiti has focused on from the beginning of the project development. This is positive for DBH, which from the beginning of the process has focused on an optimal CO2 reduction in both production and products. 

Therefore, we believe that 2013 will be the year where the final financing of the project falls into place, and we can begin the creation of the green workplaces that Denmark needs. 

With all the best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Svend Brandstrup

CEO, DBH Technology and Hveiti.

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