The production concept builds upon a proud Danish tradition for the processing of agricultural products, and the raw material - feed wheat - is cultivated in Denmark. This is why the biorefinery is named Hveiti.
The feed wheat is processed into four high-value products: Bioethanol, protein, fiber and clean CO2.
From 1 ton of feed wheat added 450 litres of water, you get:
850 kg protein feed.
300 kg bioethanol (380 litres).
50 kg fibre to be used for food.
250 kg clean CO2 to be used for industrial purposes.
In Denmark, 5 million tons of feed wheat is grown every year. Traditionally, feed wheat is used for feed and industrial purposes. About 1/3 of Danish feed wheat is exported raw, and used for e.g. the production of bioethanol.
At Hveiti we believe that it is common sense to keep some of this feed wheat in Denmark and use it in a Danish production, instead of exporting it and subsequently importing it as processed products.
According to the economics of the project, Hveiti will create 400-600 jobs, increase GNP (five billion DKK over the first five years), and create a more sustainable environment.