
refining life

Water consumption

Pressure on the world’s water resources is increasing, and in the future water will become a precious resource. The water consumption in Hveiti’s production process has been optimised to a level where the process is water neutral.

That Hveiti’s production process is water neutral is due to the following reasons:

The chosen process does not have any waste water as all water from the process is cleaned and reused. Additionally, a large amount of water is saved by using the moisture contained in the feed wheat.

Feed wheat contains about 13 % moisture, which will be reused in the process. This amount of moisture corresponds to 69,264 cubic meters of water and make up about 28 % of the entire water consumption in the production process. 

Bioethanol and fibres only contain a small amount of water, while the protein product (PDGS) is a wet product, because the water from the production process stays in the product. 

In traditional biorefineries, the protein product is dried before being sold to farmers. When it reaches the farm, the farmer mixes the product with water before feeding it to his pigs or cattle. Because Hveiti’s PDGS products is a wet product, the amount of water that the farmer would normally have to mix with the product is saved. In addition, 40-50 % energy is saved in the production process by not drying the PDGS product. 

In this way, all water from the production process is used, leaving no waste water. 

Humanity's demands exceed our planet's capacity to sustain us. That is, we ask for more than what we have, concludes WWFs Living Planet Report from 2012, which among other things focuses on the rising pressure on the world’s water resources. 

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